Dress up your ribbing with this easy hack!

K- knit
Rep- Repeat
RS- Right Side
sk2po- slip 1 stitch as if to purl, knit 2 stitches together, pass the slipped stitch over
WS- Wrong Side
Blue Bell Ribbing:
Multiple of 5+2
Rows 1 & 3 (RS): [p2, k3] to last 2 sts, p2
Rows 2 & 4 (WS): [k2, p3] to last 2 sts, k2
Row 5: [p2, yo, sk2po, yo] to last 2 sts, p2
Row 6: Rep Row 1
Rep Rows 1-6 for Blue Bell Ribbing
And that's how to do this ribbing! Use it on everything- cuffs, brims, socks- all the knits!