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  • Writer's pictureHaxann Evers

Moss-Aic Shawl

By FreeFormKnits

Named for the combination of stitch pattern and scrappy aspect, this asymmetrical shawl is perfect to use up all those tiny bits of yarn. Incorporate special scrap yarn by combining them with a neutral color to hold throughout. Not only will you be stash busting, but you will create a shawl that is completely unique to you!

Pattern Notes:

Sample Yarn Information: Sample was crocheted with one strand of DK held with one strand of fingering. Approximate amounts were 170 grams of DK and 170 grams of fingering (17 scraps total weighting 10 grams or less). Finished Shawl weighted 340 grams.

Gauge: 20 stitches by 16 rows over 4 inches in Moss Stitch. Because Shawl is made by starting at corner and increasing, gauge is not crucial for this project. Use whatever hook and yarn combination to achieve desired drape/gauge. Note yardage amounts and finished measurements may change from sample shawl due to such changes.

Hook: 5.5 mm hook, or size needed for desired gauge.

Finished Size: Sample Shawl measures 52 inches wide by 24 inches deep. Note changes in gauge make affect finished measurements.


-Shawl is started from one tip and made with increasing along one edge.

-Shawl is worked entirely in Moss Stitch.

-Sample shawl was crochet by holding dk and fingering scraps together as one strand. When one scrap finished, it was magic knotted to a new scrap so there would be minimum ends to weave in.


ch: chain

sc: single crochet

sk: skip

sp: space

Complete Video Tutorial:


Set Up:

Slip Knot, ch 3, in second ch from hook 1 sc, 2 sc in last st (3 sts). Turn work

Row 1: ch 1, 2 sc in same st, ch 1, sk 1, 1 sc in next st (4 sts)

Row 2: ch 2, [sk 1, 1 sc in next ch 1 sp, ch 1] to last 2 sts, sk 1, 2 sc in last st (5 sts)

Row 3: ch 1, 2 sc in same st, [ch 1, sk 1, 1 sc in next ch 1 sp] to end (6 sts)

Repeat Rows 2 & 3 until shawl measures 52 inches wide, or until desired length.

Cut yarn, weave in ends.

Thank you for using my pattern! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Ravelry and/or Instagram. If you have instagram, be sure to tag me @thefreeformknitter so I can see your shawl!

Happy Crocheting!

More Crochet Shawls From The FreeFormKnits:

Copyright 2023

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