(Picture: Beginner marker drawing of mountains landscape)
After watching Mina of the Knitting Expat get into watercolor earlier this year, I realized I missed drawing. I’m not that great at it, and most of my years of sketching were spent drawing short comic looking figures with large heads (and of course strategically posed with hands behind their backs). But I decided to try, and pulled out the markers I got as a Christmas present last year.

These are prismacolored markers, and they are GREAT. They are thicker than most markers, which I like as it makes a nice grip. The set I got came with 12 markers, and these are the colors:

I made a swatch, not because I'm professional or anything like that, I just wanted to use all the colors ; )
Another thing about these markers is they have TWO TIPS- a sharp tip and a thick tip. The thick tip makes it almost like a calligraphy pen.
I’ve decided this sketchbook of mine will be taken care of a little bit differently than my previous sketchbooks, differently being I am making a deliberate attempt to make each page a picture, and not just a mess of scribbles (I have another, scribble only, sketchbook).
Though it can take me a forever and a day to actually drag out my supplies, I always end up enjoying the process immensely. Why can it be so hard to start something?
Do you like drawing? What’s something you desperately want to get better at?