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  • Writer's pictureHaxann Evers

Info Dump Monday

Another week. Oh, how time…does…something. I don’t know whether it’s slow or fast anymore. It’s just…there. A clock, ticking in the background counting down to something that’s either pressing or…not.

I am determined to make this week a productive one. I started the day off right by getting by but up early and working out. Hopefully I can make that a daily thing. Anyone else find they have workout plans that just…fall through?

Oh well. What about this week will make it productive, you might ask? Well, first off I have a PATTERN RELEASE COMING UP!

My 4 Crochet Shawl Constructions: An Instructional Booklet On 4 Common Shawl Shapes drops Friday, November 20th! This is something I have been working on for a LONG time, and I can’t wait to get it out into the world! Be sure to follow me on Instagram to hear ALL about it this week! You might even get a promo code *wink wink*.

Other things on the agenda this week are:

-Start a new pair of socks. I am preparing my sock recipe pattern (with a REALLY fun surprise) and need one more sample, and then to write up the instructions for that sample. I’m so exited, because this option isn’t a way I personally knit socks, but it will be so fun to work up regardless!

-Hopefully (fingers crossed) finish and write up the shawl design I am working on. I keep losing steam with it because I keep getting distracted… and by distracted I mean I went YARN SHOPPING Saturday and so…yeah…distracted.

-Not Necessarily ‘work’, but since seeing a post about Christmas being in LESS THAN 45 DAYS, I need to finish my gift knits. I have some toys to crochet, and a kid’s sweater to start and finish (yes, apparently I do love my cousin. He gets a toy AND a sweater, though not the blue sweater I talked about last week. More on that later).

Oh! Actually, my toy making CAN be considered work because after I finish the toys, I will be doing a review/compare on some patterns! Stay tuned for that!

So yeah, quite a week! Not to mention life stuff going as well. Here’s hoping I can get it all done!

Do you have big plans this week? Hop on instagram and come tell me about them!

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