Goals for this week. Hmm, hard to set some since they went so well last week…
I suppose the biggest fail last week was not getting to spinning at all. I’ve remedied that this morning by sitting down with my spindle first chance I got. I’m determined to keep at it this week, hopefully emptying the bag of fiber I prepped two weeks ago (really? That long ago?).
Another thing sucking my moral is a sock wip of all things…
Our story starts with a optimistic young knitter. She sees a stitch pattern she has used on hats before and thinks ‘oh! That would be great on a sock!’. Being smart and efficient, she preps her yarn and even drafts the pattern, freaking grades it for the different sizes, and gets started.
Everything looks great…oh, wait, it’s not centered perfectly…hmmm, surely she can get it centered, yes? She goes to her graphs on her computer, charting it out…yes, it should be possible…she rips out her work and starts again.
Back on track and- no, this patterning is still not centered. Best to start again before getting too far.
Got it! Oh, this won’t work for the multiple sizes. Maybe if she tweaks the pattern a little?
Our story ends with a deleted document, a pile of unraveled yarn, and a very disheartened knitter.
But, being a stubborn person, she does start a- admittedly much more basic- sock.

The end.
Have you started any projects with hope in your heart, only to be thwarted by stitch counts, yarns, etc? I’d love to hear about it!