Happy Monday!
The week after Christmas always seems a little weird, and this one especially since Christmas wasn’t exactly how it should have been. A lot of things felt out of place, both due to the pandemic and other circumstances. I was still fortunate enough to see some family (we are ‘bubbled’ together), and receive some beautiful gifts. I am very grateful.
I hope your holiday was as good as it could be under the circumstances.
But enough about last week. As always, Mondays give me a sense of new beginnings. On top of exciting plans for pattern releases and stuff, I want to talk about an exciting new thing I have been attempting to implement into my daily life for weeks now.

[Image: a wooden drop spindle with pink fiber wound around it. More bundles of fiber surround it.]
I have been wanting to really commit to spinning on my drop spindle for so long, but it can be so hard to find the right moment. Spinning is more ‘active’ than knitting or crocheting- for those, I can just relax on the couch. But spinning requires more movement (better posture….) and stuff.
So, as a little challenge for myself, I have decided to aim to spin for 15 minutes every morning, early enough before I tell myself I should be doing other things.
I already had quite a bit of fiber on the spindle before starting, but I was surprised how much I managed to spin in 15 minutes (not to mention pre drafting all those bundles). I hope to spin enough fiber to make a hat!
The fiber I am using is from Yarn Bee, their roving. The color way is ‘blush pink’ I believe.
Any plans you have for this week? Any goals? I would love to hear about them!
Happy Crafting!