After some editing yesterday, I cast on a new sample for another patterning I will be updating this month. I made a lot of progress on it while watching Star Wars last night (we got the 30 day trial of Disney+, and I’m trying to make it count!)

This is my Royal Sock pattern. I love how it’s mostly vanilla with just aa little touch of simple lace. It really makes it look royal, I think. Plus, the patterning makes it seem to go faster.
I have a crochet wip too, though I’m a little on the fence whether or not I will tear it out. I love the stitch pattern, but maybe I need to improve the sides…?

I’m undecided.
I still feeling lacking inspiration when it comes to my crafts, so I think I need to buy some yarn. It’s the only logical step, really ; )
How’s you Wednesday going? Any wips you are excited to work on? I’d love to hear about them!