Let’s start this Wednesday off with a tale of woe, shall we? Or really, not a tale of woe so much as a tale of AVOIDING woe.
The wip that is bringing me said woe is my brioche hat, which I have not touched since sharing my plans to work on it and finish it.

I put it in the project bag and carried it with me to and from my various knitting perches in the house, and found myself avoiding to sit and knit because I so did not want to work on it. After arguing with myself for a good while about forcing myself to work on it, I remembered ‘oh wait, knitting is supposed to be fun’.
To quote Marie Kondo, does it bring joy? No? Then FROG THE THING
[I may be paraphrasing here, as I did not watch the show]
So with that hat meeting it’s fate, that leaves me with only two wips, one of which I can’t show you.
First wip are my Hurdle Socks.

(And I released last knit I meant to put the patterning on the back of the leg too. All well!)
Yes! I am almost through revamping the pattern and it will be ready for re-release by the end of this month! I am so happy with this!
The other project I can’t show you has to do with crochet. I promise details on that are coming really soon!
I do have some other works in progress, though they aren’t the yarn and needles kind. My DK sock pattern- of which you have seen me working on- is in testing this week! I have a great group of testers working through the pattern! So far so good! Keep an eye on instagram for updates on that pattern!
The last thing I want to talk about it a sweater that I hope to soon be a wip. It will be knit out of these yarns:

I will be using Ann Budd’s book of Top Down Sweater Construction to start off a raglan construction.
The colors and texture I will be using in the sweater are based off a store brought sweater I saw someone wear once. I usually don’t get inspiration from store bought items, but for some reason this particular sweater I just couldn’t get out of my head! I hope to case it on really soon. I knit so many sweaters in the last few months of 2020, I would like to keep up the momentum and add to my handmade wardrobe.
What are some of your wips this week? I would love to hear about them!