I have sooooo many things I want to make (re: complete so I can move on to the next thing) that I just don’t know where to start. Or, really, don’t know which to focus on first. So here’s a list of projects I want to start (as my pile of patterns to draft/design glare at me):
Crochet Cable Quilt
After showing me a pretty picture of a crochet quilt that was the product of a subscription service, I deduced my mom would like something similar for Christmas this year (this suits me fine, as I was planning on making her another sweater, since the one I made for her birthday tragically has fitting issues). I don’t have a pattern, but the quilt in the picture is all cabled blocks, later sewn together and a border all the way around. After searching Ravelry I found a free collection of cabled squares, and I plan to flip through my crochet stitch dictionary for more ideas. The finished quilt needs to be 5x6, 30 blocks total (totally double before December 24th, right?). So I need 5 different stitch patterns, and then I’ll alternate the way they are arranged in rows. I’ll use worsted yarn. The quilt she liked was grey, white, and black, but I might stray from black and use either beige or blue (it will got more with our living room).
I need yarn. Oh, and to learn how to do crochet cables, since I’ve never done them before (wait, December is NEXT month, you say????).

[Image: A book and printed out pages. Book is Indispensable Stitch Collection For Crocheters, by Melissa Leapman. Printed pages are Crochet Cable Squares by Elizabeth Ham.]
Link to Free Ravelry download here:
In the vein of Christmas gifts, I started a pair of socks I need to finish, but no rush. They are quick. I kinda fell off my sock loving bandwagon, which is sad because my sock drawer has never looked worse.

[Image: a grey sock just past the heel on a carpeted floor. The stitch pattern is blueberry waffle]
Also, I FINALLY got this Flax on the needles after gauge complications and a long think on how much I love my cousin. I’ll post about that later (it’s too fresh right now!).

[Image: A blue sweater, separated for sleeves. Pattern is Flax, by TinCanKnits.]
AND I got all the pieces to this toy Pikachu done, but have yet to sew it up. I might need to buy stuffing…maybe. I’ve been using yarn ends to stuff, but I might be low. I don’t know.

[Image: black and yellow crocheted pieces that will one day be a lovely Pikachu toy. Pattern by Sabrina Somers]
Link to Free pattern on Sabrina's Crochet website:
OH! And for 3 (or 4, depending on whether he plays the game…) I need to crochet some Among Us toys! I found several cute patterns on Pinterest. I’ll do another post about them all!
Another toy I just remembered (see how long this post is getting?) is a Charmander Pokèmon plush for my youngest sister. This will further her collection of starter Pokèmon and make her a master!
It was hard to find a good charmander pattern, but I did in the end. I need yarn for this, too!
Link for free pattern on Ravelry:
With my sock mojo gone, I have a desire for SWEATERS! Since- hmm, lets say September?- I have made a total of 5 sweaters! Two crochet, two children’s size, and three my size (they are sooooo comfy). And I have plans for TWO more! (I really want them).
One will be using this yarn. The body will be in the reddish color, and black will be used for the trims. I want to do a garter ridge type thing. I will be sooo nice.

[Image: Yarn Bee Must Be Merino Yarn all on a table. 4 in the color Rust and 1 in the color Black]
Another one I want to do is a Flax for myself. I want it big and oversized, the perfect sweatshirt. It will be in worsted, so that will be quick. But I also want it in black….which will be not so quick. I haven’t made anything in all black in a long time (literally in years), since I realized ‘hey! I hate working with black.’ So, this sweater may never come to fruition (but darn it I will try!).
Oh, I also have a Dream Sweater Idea from seeing someone wearing a store bought sweater…I need yarn for that too…
So as you may tell…alot. Not to mention I have a cross stitch project I want to work on, spinning that has been glaring at me, and a crochet granny stitch blanket that’s currently singing Adele’s Hello from the box I have it stored in. I need a movie marathon night where I can just stitch for 5 hours straight (pity my family are wimps who don’t want to sit and watch movies for hours on end. Also pity we have responsibilities that also prevent us from doing this. That’s it; time to give up on sleep).
Desperately need to go to the yarn store…oh, woe is me!
Any projects you are dying to make?